Santa Sidekick is a magical iPhone app for the holiday season that is both useful and fun for the entire family. For kids, it’s the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit and enhance the wonderment of the holidays, as well as being a gateway to connecting with Santa in a very real way. For parents, it’s the perfect device to help them prepare and organize for Christmas Day. Combined, they create an invaluable experience for any family during the yuletide season.
You start the app by creating a list of names in Santa’s List. Once a name is added to the list, you can select it, which will take you to that person’s page, which contains three sections… SantaMeter, Wish Lists and North Pole Mail.
With the SantaMeter a parent can adjust the Naughtiness or Niceness of a child with a click of a button, and they can instantly notify Santa! In Wish Lists, each child can create their own list of what they want from Santa. The list can be sent to Santa or even outside of the app via email to interested family members. (How handy is that?) And in North Pole Mail, kids can exchange in-app, custom email messages with Santa!

All of this is tied together with the password-protected Admin Section, for adults only. Here, parents have access to secret tools that enable them to be Santa’s personal assistants. They can keep track of what they’ve spent for each child in Wish Lists. In addition (and this is the coolest part), *parents are able to “monitor” the email messages from the kids to Santa and then “assist” him with the replies that go back to the kids.
Time spent with your children is invaluable, and Santa Sidekick is the perfect app to help in that department. It’s a great way to intimately connect with your kids and spend quality time with them. Kids really enjoy the experience of creating their lists and messages to Santa. Seeing the kids faces light up like a Christmas display when they see a new message from Santa has arrived is pure delight as a parent. The parents-only features are awesome for tracking the lists and dollars spent. The app also works as a great tool for keeping behavior in-check. You can always say that Santa is watching, but the app helps to back that up, and then some. All around, we highly recommend this app. Again, it’s just magical.
Price: $1.99
Download Santa Sidekick Magical Christmas App
Download Santa Sidekick Magical Christmas App
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